Jan W. Owsiński Ph.D., is the deputy director for research and research scholar at the Systems Research Institute, PolishAcademy of Sciences;
He also has following positions:
- Lecturer, WarsawSchoolf of Information Technology and Management,
- Executive Editor of the English language quarterly Control and Cybernetics;
- Editor: Modern Problems in Management, journal of the Faculty of Management, WarsawSchool of Information Technology and Management
- President, The Interfaces Institute, Inc.;
- Secretary General at the Polish Operations and Systems Research Society.
- Member of Editorial Boards of several international journals.
Published altogether more than 250 papers and more than 30 edited volumes, the latter largely in English.
Scientific interests: (i) advanced methods and algorithms of data analysis and AI (primarily cluster analysis and preference aggregation) and their applications, mainly in economics, ecology, biology; (ii) the knowledge processing and management problems and methods (data-information-knowledge feedback system); (iii) e-Government, e-Economy, e-Society; (iv) economics of the transition countries; (v) environmentally, socially and economically sustainable development, and life quality : notions, models and methods; (vi) transport and logistics – network optimisation.
Headed several research projects, or sub-projects (work-packages), national and international, dealing, chronologically, with (a) modelling of regional agricultural systems; (b) development of interactive data analysis software for in-session use; (c) data analysis systems for business populations (Polish enterprises in transition); (d) modelling of Polish economy in the period of transition (direct input into the demographic module); (e) distance teaching on sustainable development (PHARE); (f) integrated DSS for transboundary catchments (FP5); (g) e-administration & local networks vis a vis local development in conditions of the information society and knowledge economy; (h) logistic and transport systems modelleg through graph (and hypergraph) network representations.
Illustrative publications in English language:
I. Data analysis, knowledge engineering and applications:
- Owsinski J.W. (1996) Clustering- distances, and knowledge from data. In: Ordinal and Symbolic Data Analysis, E.Diday, Y.Lechevallier and O.Opitz, eds. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 277-287.
- Owsinski J.W. and Sl. Zadrozny (2000) Structuring the set of MPs in Polish parliament: a simple clustering exercise. Annals of Operations Research, 97, 15-29.
- Owsinski J.W. and Sl. Zadrozny (2000) Suicide rates and their patters vs. measurement of quality of life. In: Aspects of Quality of Life, W. Ostasiewicz, ed. Wroclaw University of Economics, Wroclaw, 263-285.
- Owsinski J.W. (2001) Cluster-wise model identification. In: Computer Data Analysis and Modelling. Robustness and Computer Intensive methods, S.Aivazian, Yu. Kharin, H. Rieder, eds., Minsk, BelarusianStateUniversity, 157-162.
- Owsiński, J.W., Ziółkowski, A. (2007) ProDec – Emergency Procedure Based on Fuzzy Notions for Catchment Management. In: A. Morris, S. Kokhan, eds., Geographic Uncertainty in Environmental Security. Springer Verlag, Dordrecht, 271-283.
- Owsiński, J. W., Mejza, M. T. (2007) On a New Hybrid Clustering Method for General Purpose Use and Pattern Recognition. In: Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Scence and Information Technology, vol. 2, ISSN 1896-7094, http://www.papers2007.imcsit.org/ 121-126, 2007.
- Owsiński, J. W., Pielak A. M. (2008) Qualitative assessment of the websites of local authorities in Poland with hierarchical k-histograms. In: Developments in Fuzzy Sets, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Generalized Nets and Related Topics. Applications. Vol. II, K. Atanassov et al., eds. Academic Publishing House EXIT, Warsaw, 185-192.
- Owsiński J. W. (2009) Machine-part grouping and cluster analysis: similarities, distances and grouping criteria. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences, Special Issue: “Modeling and optimization of manufacturing systems”, Guest Editors: Z. A. Banaszak, J. Józefczyk, 57, 3, 217-228.
- Owsiński J.W., Brüggemann R., eds. (2008) Multicriteria Ordering and Ranking: Partial Orders, Ambiguities and Applied Issues. Systems Research Institute, PolishAcademy of Sciences, Warszawa, 270 pp., ISBN 83-894-7521-9.
- Owsiński J.W. (2009) Asymmetric distances – a natural case for fuzzy clustering? In: D. A. Viattchenin, ed., Developments in Fuzzy Clustering. Vever, Minsk (Belarus’), ISBN 978-985-6215-77-6; 36-45.
- Owsiński, J. W., Kacprzyk, J., Shyrai, St., Szmidt, E., Viattchenin, D. A. and Hernandez Hormazabal, J. (2018) A heuristic algorithm of possibilistic clustering with partial supervision for classification of the intuitionistic fuzzy data. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, 31 (4).
- Owsiński, J. W., Stańczak, J., Zadrożny Sł. (2018) Designing the Municipality Typology for Planning Purposes: The Use of Reverse Clustering and Evolutionary Algorithms. In: P. Daniele and L. Scrimali, eds., New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems. ODS , Taormina, Italy, Sept. 10-13, 2018. AIRO Springer Series, 1. Springer, Cham. ISBN/EAN 9783030004736 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00473-6_33
- Owsiński, J. W. (2017) Is There Any ‘Law of Requisite Variety’ in Construction of Indices for Complex Systems? Social Indicators Research, 136(3), 1125-1137, 13 poz. bibl. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-016-1545-5
II. Modelling and analysis of economies in transition:
- Owsinski J.W. and A.Kaluszko (1998) Political and social gradients across space versus cooperation and competition. In: Competition and Cooperation of the Baltic Regions of Denmark, Germany and Poland. RCSS, Sopot, 35-58.
- Owsinski J.W. and Z. Nahorski (1998) Modelling and analysis of the economies and societies in transition. The MODEST EURO Working Group’s perspective. Management, Belgrade, III, 9, 18-31.
- Owsinski J.W., ed. (1998) Modelling and Analysing Economies in Transition II. The Interfaces Institute, Warszawa.
- Kisiel-Łowczyc A.B., J.W. Owsinski, Sl.Zadrożny (1999) Trade relation structures in Baltic Europe. Argumenta Oeconomica, 2 (8).
- Nahorski Z., J.W.Owsinski and T.Szapiro, eds. (2000) Transition to Advanced Market Institutions & Economies. Issue of Annals of Operations Research, Baltzer, vol. 97.
- Owsinski J.W. (2000) An inquiry into the Copernicus-Gresham law of worse money in standardization. EURAS Yearbook of Standardization. Homo Oeconomicus, XVII (3), 317-321.
- Nahorski Z., Owsiński J.W., Szapiro T., eds. (2007) The Socio-Economic Transformation. Getting Closer to What? Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills – New York, 146+xvii pages, ISBN 978-0-230-00794-9.
- Owsiński J.W. (2007) How the System Worked, or: The Herring Barrel Metaphor. In: Z. Nahorski, J.W. Owsiński, T. Szapiro, eds., The Socio-Economic Transformation. Getting Closer to What? Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills – New York, 51-61.
- Owsiński, J. W., ed. (2010) Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, special issue on Corruption and Good Governance. Intellect, 7, 2.
- Owsiński, J.W. (2010) The institutionalised corruption of the real socialist system: the Herring Barrel metaphor once again. Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, special issue on Corruption and Good Governance, 7, 2, 151-165.
III. Sustainable development paths:
- Owsinski J.W. (1992) Dynamic modelling of biological populations: adaptation versus adaptability. In: Environmental Management in the Baltic Region. INENCO Proceedings, No. 1. INENCO, St. Petersburg, 196-211.
- Owsinski J.W. (1990) Modelling of commodity populations and their changes: a paradigm and its implementation. In: Modelling the Innovation, M.Carnevali, M.Lucertini and S.Nicosia, eds. North Holland, Amsterdam, 471-480.
- Owsinski J.W. (1991) Modelling for the Baltic region. Preliminary results of a questionnaire. In: Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Management in the Baltic Region, J.Fenger et al., eds. Nord, Copenhagen, 527-528.
- Owsinski J. W. (1982) Agriculture, population, environment and balanced regional development: a modelling project in Poland. Agricultural Systems, vol. 8, 2, 87-104.
- Owsinski J.W., K. Hołubowicz (1986) A case of energy-related development in an agricultural region. In: Regional Resource Management, L. Kairiukstis, ed. IIASA, Laxenburg, CP-86-24, 377-396.
- Owsinski J.W., Sł. Zadrożny, J. Kacprzyk (1987) Analysis of water use and needs in agriculture through a fuzzy programming model. In: Optimization Models Using Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory, J, Kacprzyk and S.A. Orlovski, eds. D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, 377-395.
- Owsiński J.W.: On measurement of sustainability and life quality in Polish municipalities. In: O. Hryniewicz, A. Straszak, J. Studziński, red., Badania operacyjne i systemowe: środowisko naturalne, przestrzeń, optymalizacja. Badania Systemowe, 63. Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, Warszawa 2008, 185-195.
- Owsiński J.W.: Polish Rural Municipalities: Can we say what do people do there on the basis of the official data? In: J. Neuwirth & Klaus Wagner, eds.: Multifunctional Territories: Importance of Rural Areas beyond Food Production. Rural areas and development, vol. 6, ERDN, Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics (AWI) and Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute, Warsaw 2009, 187-206. ISBN 978-83-7658-096-8.
IV. e-Government, e-Economy and e-Society
- Pielak, A.M., Owsiński, J.W.: The local authority website functionalities: the rural vs. urban image. Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Bucharest, Romania, IV, 3-4, 2007, 33-42, ISSN 1841-0375.
- Owsiński, J. W., Pielak A. M.: Qualitative assessment of the websites of local authorities in Poland with hierarchical k-histograms. In: Developments in Fuzzy Sets, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Generalized Nets and Related Topics. Applications. Vol. II, K. Atanassov et al., eds. Academic Publishing House EXIT, Warsaw 2008, 185-192.
- Owsiński, J. W., Pielak A. M., Sęp K. i Ponichtera R.: TIROLS: local web-based networks centred on self-governmental websites vs. local activity – a project outline. Studies and Proceedings – Polish Association for Knowledge Management, 34. Issue edited by Jan W. Owsiński: MODEST: MODelling of Economies & Societies in Transition – ICT and its impacts – economy – environment – patterns in management, 2010, 20-36.
- Owsiński, J.W., Pielak, A. M.: Local Authority Websites in Rural Areas: Measuring Quality and Functionality and Assessing the Role. In: Z. Andreopoulou, B. Manos, N. Polman, D. Viaggi, eds., Agricultural and Environmental Informatics, Governance and Management: Emerging Research Applications. Information Science Reference / IGI Global, Hershey, PA, 2011, 39-60.
V. Logistics and transport
- Mażbic-Kulma, B., Owsinski, J. W., Sęp, K, Stańczak J. (2014) The Kernel and Shell Structures as a Tool for Improving the Graph of Transportation Connections. Operations Research and Decisions, 2013, No. 2/3, vol. 23, 91-105, DOI: 10.5277/ord130208
- Mażbic-Kulma B., Owsiński J. W., Stańczak J., Barski A., Sęp K. (2018) Properties of an α-clique approach to obtain the hub and spoke structure in optimization of a transportation system. Control & Cybernetics 2, 2018.
- Stańczak, J., Barski, A., Sęp, K., Owsiński, J. W. (2017) The problem of distribution of Park and Ride car parks in Warsaw. International Journal of Information and Management Science, 27 (2) 179-190.
- Owsiński, J. W., Stańczak, J., Barski, A. and Sęp. K. (2017) Identifying main center access hubs in a city using capacity and time criteria. The evolutionary approach. Control & Cybernetics, 45(2), 207-223.